2011 Mustang 3.6, 5L No complaints, gurantee. Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye - درهم 30,000

سيارات مستعملة > دبي > المدينة الأكاديمية > فورد > موستانج

  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye
  • 2011 Mustang  3.6, 5L  No complaints, gurantee.  Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye

30,000 درهم

نشر بتاريخ: 11/06/2019


عدد الأبواب
عدد الأبواب
لا ينطبق
المواصفات الإقليمية
المواصفات الإقليمية
مواصفات أمريكية
نوع النقل
نوع النقل
نقل اوتوماتيكي
نوع الجسم
نوع الجسم
سيارة رياضية
حالة الجسم حالة الجسم ممتازة من الداخل والخارج
حالة الميكانيكا حالة الميكانيكا ممتازة من الداخل والخارج
نوع الوقود نوع الوقود بنزين
عدد الإسطوانات عدد الإسطوانات 6
قوة الحصان قوة الحصان غير معروف
الإضافات الإضافات تكييف هواء, تنبيه / نظام مضاد للسرقة, راديو اف ام, مدخل aux اوديو, نظام بلوتوث, مشغل أقراص ليزرية, تحكم أوتوماتيكي للسرعة, ماسورة عادم مزدوجة, مصابيح الضباب, نظام ملاحة, مجسات وقوف السيارات, إطارات عالية الأداء, كابح, USB
بيانات الصيانة الكاملة طارئ قابل للتفاوض


Any problem within 1 one month will be checked and maintained accordingly from my shop free of cost
And the sound is amazing K&N🖤
2011 Mustang 3.6, 5L No complaints, gurantee. Asking price 30k, nicely negotiable.7 months insurance remaining And the colour is different and rarely scene in uae has 7 colours that glitters in day light can br seen from naked eye

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 تحذير من رسائل النصب "السكام"

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