سيارات مستعملة > دبي > البرشاء > لكزس > LS-سلسلة
نشر بتاريخ: 14/09/2021
Lexus LS460 2007 64000 miles (genuine mileage) US spec white colour beige inside leather clean interior imported self from USA was driven 20000 miles chassis front end repaired from golden garage(cost 6000 dhs) can check history VIN JTHBL46F175011605 CCM report from RTA available (can PASS anytime with no issue) front to end, car is complete with all catalizers available (can check any workshop) all mechanical ( gear, electric, engine working) no issue at all if you know about these cars, you wont question more. all details are mentioned. price 26500/- nego ONLY serious buyers 0585955599
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